Cottage Burning

880 days ago

Mark Drakeford - another Z for logic here in poor old lockdown Wales

Throughout the scandemic Wales, under the leadership of mad Mark Drakeford, has had tougher lockdown rules that the infidels across the border in England. Yet covid numbers, here in the rain sodden post industrial principality have been resolutely and consistently higher than in England. Doctor: the medicine is not working and is having awful side effects what should we do? Up the dosage!


1109 days ago

Vote Plaid Cymru on May 6

Nigel Somerville agonised  at the weekend about who to vote for on May 6. In answer to his questions various of our writers will, over the coming days suggest who is worthy of your support. Last up is myself explaining why, here in Wales, we should vote for the cottage burning lunatics of Plaid Cymru.


1188 days ago

Sign the Petition as the wretched Tories renege on promise to curb public sector fat cats

Hang on Mr Pleb:  members of the establishment do have to look after each other don’t they? Most senior civil servants went to the same Oxbridge colleges and public schools as most of the cabinet. If you can’t feather the nests of your chums what’s the point of public life?  In another fuck you to blue collar Tory voters in the so called red wall seats, the wretched Tories snuck out a disgraceful U-Turn just before the weekend.


2726 days ago

Proud Dad - Daughter "Olaf" wins academic scholarship

Those who have been reading my scribblings for long enough will remember that my daughter was born weighing just 1lb 4oz at 26 weeks. that was almost sixteen years ago. It was three months before UCH said that it was "when" she came home not "if" and even then we were warned there could be all sorts of problems. 
